Five tips to prevent plaque! | Asian girl with braces smilingOur team at Clear Advantage Ortho knows that no one likes plaque on their teeth. Build up can lead to further dreaded orthodontic treatment. That’s why we’re suggesting these 5 tips to help you prevent plaque build up.

#1 Brush Regularly

For a healthy mouth, brush your teeth twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride. Brush gently on all surfaces to remove plaque.

#2 Floss Daily

Plaque likes to hide in between teeth, so it’s important to floss every day. Flossing gets rid of plaque between teeth and at the gum line. Make sure you floss behind your molars for those hard to reach areas.

#3 Visit your Dentist Regularly

Even if you brush and floss daily, you’re still prone to develop plaque. When plaque hardens, it turns to tartar, making it even harder to treat. Schedule your check ups two times a year or as recommended by your general dentist. Regular visits reduces your chances of getting cavities or losing your teeth while wearing braces.

#4 Eat your fruits and veggies!

Amazingly, certain fruits and vegetables can help you keep the plaque away. These include carrots, cucumbers, apples, and other raw fruits and vegetables. If you’re wearing braces, be sure to cut them into smaller bite-size pieces so they don’t break the brackets off.

#5 Avoid eating sugary foods

Yes, that means you should avoid candies, soda pop, or junk food that lets sugar stick to our teeth. With the sugar lingering in our mouths, bacteria becomes plaque, turns into acid and damages our teeth. Remember not to give in to your sweet tooth!

Keep your mouth in check with these 5 good dental habits. If you have any questions give us a call or ask us on Facebook!