Helpful Hints for Dealing with Braces Pain

Your first few days with braces will feel rather odd, awkward, and even painful. The day you get your braces you will probably just feel weird, like you have something in your mouth – because you do. You are most likely to feel pain and soreness during the second and third days. After that, you [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:07-07:00September 15th, 2015|

Ugh, Not Braces!

Getting your child excited about braces is a lot like: A) convincing a grumpy toddler that it’s time to take a nap? B) convincing a teenager to stop texting during dinner? C) convincing your husband to eat his peas? The answer, obviously, is all of the above. And that’s why you may need a few [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:07-07:00September 8th, 2015|

Five Fun Ways to Count Down Your Braces Time

Braces can straighten your teeth to give you a more attractive smile for life. The process can take 18 months to two years or more, and this amount of time can seem unending when you first get your braces. Counting down your brace time can help the time pass more quickly and build the excitement [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:07-07:00September 1st, 2015|

Sugar and Your Orthodontic Treatment

One word no one likes to hear is “cavity!” For those patients of ours wearing braces, hearing that word is especially problematic, considering that delaying any dental work may result in delaying treatment time. We often blame candy as the culprit behind tooth decay, but other foods and drinks that kids consume can be just [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:07-07:00August 25th, 2015|

When You Need Immediate Care, We are Here for You

At Clear Advantage Dental & Orthodontic Clinic, we know orthodontic emergencies are neither convenient nor timely. If you are a patient of record, Dr. Suzanne Cziraki and our team are more than willing to see you after hours or over the weekend. As a general rule, you should call our Waterloo, ON, Vancouver, BC, or [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:07-07:00August 18th, 2015|

What is malocclusion?

The term malocclusion refers to misalignment of teeth. You may have been born with malocclusion, so your teeth simply grew in crooked, or the misalignment and crowding of your teeth occurred over a period of time. Either way, not only can malocclusion pose issues, but it can have a negative effect on your speaking and [...]

2023-08-08T16:01:44-07:00August 11th, 2015|

Not-So-Sweet Sweets: The five worst candies to eat during orthodontic treatment

Sticky, hard, and gooey: these candies fill your dopamine receptors with spasms of sugar-filled joy, but if you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment at Clear Advantage Dental & Orthodontic Clinic to straighten your teeth, then these sweets are not so sweet. While you may have a Willy-Wonka-sized sweet tooth, there are some candies you’re going to have [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:09-07:00August 4th, 2015|

Keep that candy at bay during your treatment!

Now that you have braces, it is more important than ever to maintain good oral hygiene during your treatment, as Dr. Suzanne Cziraki will tell you. While we trust you will continue brushing and flossing on a regular basis throughout your treatment at Clear Advantage Dental & Orthodontic Clinic, you also have to mindful of [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:09-07:00July 21st, 2015|

How Braces Can Work at Any Age

Are you an adult who is considering getting braces? Perhaps you’ve had them before, but over the years that dental work has been reversed. Or maybe you’ve never had any orthodontic work done, but are considering braces for the first time. In either case, Clear Advantage Dental & Orthodontic Clinic can help you enjoy straighter [...]

2017-05-23T09:20:09-07:00July 14th, 2015|

The Importance of Orthodontic Treatment at a Young Age

When you think of orthodontic treatment, you may automatically assume that it only relates to older children and teens with alignment and spacing issues. But this isn’t the case: Orthodontic treatment at Clear Advantage Dental & Orthodontic Clinic offers many benefits when applied at a young age. By considering orthodontic treatment at a younger age, [...]

2023-08-08T16:02:04-07:00July 7th, 2015|