An actual orthodontic emergency is a very rare event, but in that rare event we’re there for you. As a rule, you should call our office if you experience severe pain.

The good news is that you can temporarily solve many problems while you’re waiting for your appointment. Here are a list of problems and their solutions:

1) Poking Wire: Place wax on the wire end, or use a pencil eraser to bend the wire away.

2) Headgear Fitting Problems: The most common cause of headgear discomfort is not wearing it the way it was prescribed. Refer to the instructions provided by Dr. Cziraki on how to wear your headgear. Headgear also becomes more comfortable the more it’s worn, so make sure you’re getting in your hours!

3) General Discomfort: Your braces will cause some discomfort in your mouth after the first 3-5 days. You can help relieve this soreness by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. Add one teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of warm water and swish it around your mouth before spitting it out.

For more severe discomfort, take no more than the recommended dose of whatever you normally take to relieve headache pain.

4) Loose Appliance: A loose appliance that’s poking you can be relieved by applying wax.

5) Loose Band or Bracket: If your bracket comes loose and is still attached to the wire, make an appointment right away and place wax over the bracket. If the wire comes out, then secure the bracket in a piece of tissue and keep it in a safe place.

6) Loose Wire: After attempting to place the wire back into place with tweezers, you may as a last resort clip the wire with fingernail clippers behind the last tooth to which it is securely attached. Apply wax as needed.